Professional tax act department of goods and services tax. Using this facility they can satisfy that your tax payment has been properly accounted for in your name. Download professional tax karnataka chalan in excel file. Challan status enquiry for tax payers this facility allows taxpayers to check the status online of their challans deposited in banks. Enter account number and specify the date range for which you wish to view transaction details. They may regulate budget distributions duly maintaining these balances to the ddos. Banks are expected to generate and upload tax data as. Service tax payment is liable to be made on a monthlyquarterly basis and in case of deposit after the due. Now we are going to discuss on how to file professional tax return in maharashtra. Overviewincome tax departments initiative to receive information and maintain records of tax paid through banks through online upload of challan details is named as oltas online tax accounting system. You can also generate e challan subsequently from status enquiry link under enquiries tab of.
Profession tax, directorate of commercial taxes,government of west bengal. You can get the copy of challan in archived challan tab. Tax is deducted from the payments of various income sources like, rent, professional fees,interest,commission etc. The collecting banks can also use this facility to enquire about the status of the challans uploaded by them. A professional tax payment letter format to the income tax officer talks about minor corrections in the calculation of taxes in challan and requesting them for considering the essentialities. There are two modes of tracking the status cin based view and tan based view. How to download challan status inquiry file tds youtube. Corporate icici bank answers global markets online tax faqs. Learn how to download challan 281 form online from the nsdl portal. As we already discussed in our earlier post there are two certificate required but return is filled only in respect of professional tax registration certificate and the due date of ptrc return.
How to file professional tax return in maharashtra tax. The scos and ccos may find a report on the list of bills migrated from fy. Deductor can download summary of challans from tin in csi format. Block will be used to display browser versions to be supported by portal. Oltas online tax accounting system challans download. Using csi file, deductor can verify hisher tax payments have been properly accounted for. We tell you how you can reprint or regenerate challan 280 used for selfassessment tax or advance tax payment. This link shall take you to a webpage outside for any query regarding the contents of the linked page. All persons engaged in any professional, trade calling or employment, other than those mentioned hereinafter and assessed to in the preceding financial year. By entering the challan identification number, the taxpayer will be able to view the following details. Oltaschallan status inquiry tax information network. Now, tax payers can make epayment for many of the tax categories of commercial taxes department as shown.
Tax deducted collected at source should be deposited by the deductor collector to the government on or before the time limit declared by the income tax departmentgovernment. Click on download challan to save the challan on your desktop. Tin provides a facility to the tax payers to enquire about the status of their challans over the internet. How to view and download challan status inquiry file hindi. The challan details will be displayed on the screen. The challan 281 form is used while paying tax deducted at source. Select, vat, cst, tot, vatgst, entertainment tax, profession tax, luxury tax, entry tax vehicles, entry tax goods. However, it seems javascript is either disabled or not. Then you have to enter the bsr code, challan tender date, challan serial number and also mention the amount.
You are displayed the kerala state govt site for online tax. Required system resolution 1024 x 768 for all taxpro applications. Tax deductors may also download the challan details file for a selected period through tan based view, which shall be used to verify the challan entries filled. Professions tax challan in excel format to pl send maharashtra prof. Professional tax calculator, professional tax rates for ap, assam, bihar, chhattisgarh, gujarat, mp, karnataka, kerala, orisa, tamil nadu, tripura, wb. Contact pt office for any payments without enrolment no.
Department of goods and services tax department of goods and. Download professional tax forms for ap, bihar, chhattisgarh, gujarat, karnataka, mp, maharashtra, orisha, telangana, tamil nadu and wb in excelfillable pdf. Visit the official portal of tin tax information networknsdl of the income tax department. Goods and service tax allocation of gst taxpayers to state authorities as on 08. Kerala government commercial tax payment vat click on the portal of department of commercial tax, kerala. Tax payers can use the verify epayment option in case the transaction is not shown as successful but payment has happened at the bank side. Now pay tax under ptec and ptrc together in one challan. Professions tax challan in excel format xls download. Click here to know about oltas, challan status enquiry, nsdl challan status, tan based view. The most concerning part about service tax is the procedure for payment of service tax. Javascript must be enabled in order for you to use the site in standard view. Department of goods and services tax department of goods. Certainly, sending a rectification request letter format is the right and formal way of settling the government related matters.
Click on the challan enquiry page and then on the cin based view. With this information, you will learn to deposit tds using 281 challan. Interactive platform for finance professionals,ca,chartered accountants,taxpayers,ca students india. The income tax department never asks for your pin numbers, passwords or similar access information for credit cards, banks or other financial accounts through email the income tax department appeals to taxpayers not to respond to such emails and not to share information relating to their credit card, bank and other financial accounts. What are the taxes that can be paid through online tax system. Income tax department challan status inquiry income tax department tax services challan status inquiry. Using this features, tax collecting branches and the nodal branches can track online the status of their challans deposited in banks as follows.
Tax payers can print the challan using print e challan option. Tax deductors may also download the challan details file for a selected period through tan based view, which shall be used to verify the challan entries filled in the etdstcs statement. Select the applicable tax payment and fill up the required details. Know your refund arn status ease of doing business initiative by the department ease. You cant download tax challan but you can view the details of tax paid. Challans between 1 april 2008 to 31 march 2017 are archived. In some cases income tax department directed to collect tax from the sources tcs. Chalan mtr6 for pt payment department of goods and. While filing your etds return,you need challan status inquiry file to validate your challan details mentioned in your tds statement in 26q24q.
Professional tax forms for all states are available here. Go live of online filing of appeal applications along with appeal payments under vat and cst act. Net user control lib free license taxpro einvoice api lib free license taxpro eway bill api lib free license. If the epayment is made, one need not have to visit the pt office and can download the enrolment certificate online. Professional tax forms in excel fillable pdf finotax. Data upload by banksincome tax department has devised the file formats for uploading data regarding tax payment. You can get the copy of challan in archived payment history tab. If the tax payer enters the amount against a cin, the system will confirm whether it matches with the details of amount uploaded by the bank. When it comes to service tax, we have two options of payment of service tax i. The oltas system launched a new single copy challan for payment of taxes. Oltas online tax accounting system is a system to collect direct taxes.
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